Services, Process & Rates


Tidying Services

Congratulations! You’re ready to take the first step in the KonMari™ Method–commit to tidying. (Or, you may simply be “KonMari curious” and want to know more. That’s ok too!)

Now, you may be asking yourself “where do I start?” Some people can successfully tidy by themselves and that’s great. Others may feel overwhelmed or want more support and encouragementI’m here for you. Tidying with a Certified Consultant is not unlike exercising with a personal trainer. Together we can acheive your tidying goals faster!

My mission is to help you complete your tidying marathon so you can begin living your ideal lifestyle—one that sparks joy. I offer personalized in-home services at a standard rate of $65 per hour. My services include:

  • Coaching to develop a vision for your ideal lifestyle

  • Interview and walkthrough inventory of your home

  • Hands-on, in-home organizing by KM category

  • Unlimited text and email support between sessions

  • Soft skills like listening, problem solving, showing respect, and practicing empathy




Tidying occurs over a series of one-on-one collaborative sessions in your home. We’ll work as a team to tidy your home. The number of sessions varies based upon numerous factors such as:

  • Living arrangements—e.g., client in a single room, client who lives alone (1 BR), client with family or larger home (multiple BR/Bath)).

  • Number of hours per session (3 hr. minimum/session). Five-hour lessons are ideal.

  • Rate of tidying—some people work faster, or slower, than others.

  • Effort dedicated to completing homework assignments.

It’s recommended that you complete the full tidying process from start to finish. This will set you up for continued success. Tidy homes require maintenance, but done correctly you should never need to “re-tidy” your home. Once your home is tidy, it is natural to tidy other areas or aspects of your life. Great things can happen as a result of tidying!

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation to discuss your needs.


Speaking Services

If you’ve ever met anyone who has tried the KonMari Method, you know we can’t stop talking about it and singing its praises. I am no exception. I love presenting to groups of any size. Presentations can be on any aspect of the method, from an overview of the process and its benefits to workshops on techniques such as folding, organization strategies, or tidying with families, for example.

Each presentation is customized to fit your needs. Contact me to start planning your event.

I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to help me through this process. Elisa was extremely patient with my process of thanking each item as I let it go. She kept me on track and helped me when I got stuck on sentimental items from each category.
— Blair, homeowner